Thursday, 23 June 2011

Thursday, 16 June 2011

AS3 - Embedding fonts issue

If the font is not appearing then try adding this line to the complier arguments.

-managers flash.fonts.JREFontManager flash.fonts.BatikFontManager flash.fonts.AFEFontManager

also try adding this to the embed tag


Friday, 10 June 2011

AS3 - HTML Superscript characters

In order to use superscript characters you need to embed the superscript font and call the font face when needed.

Register font

advancedAntiAliasing="true" )]
private var SuperSans : Class;

Font.registerFont( SuperSans );

Using Superscript Characters

<font face="SuperSans" >&#174;</font>


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Flash ClickTag

for a clickTag all you need to do is add script.

on (release) { if (_root.clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") { getURL(_root.clickTAG, "_blank"); } }

Friday, 3 June 2011

AS3 - Child listening to Parent Dispatches

To get a child object to listen to events dispatched by the parent the parent dispatches an event which bubbles and the child listens for the event on the stage.

Child Code:

if (stage)
init ();
} else
addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
function init (evt:Event = null):void
removeEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
stage.addEventListener("messageToChild", messageFromParent)
//trace("init _");

function messageFromParent(event:Event){
trace("MESSAGE from parent - go to CTA");

Parent Code:

function playCTA():void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("messageToChild", true))


Thursday, 2 June 2011

AS3 - Round Decimals

To round a decimal number to the a specific decimal point you can use either the 'toFixed' or 'toPrecision' which are Number methods. 

var myNum:int = new int(3.454954849584)
trace(myNum); // 3.454

You can also do precision based decimal rounding with the toPrecision, this will round the last decimal outside the length parameter.

trace(myNum); // 3.455;

Old-Skool way (does not round chopped off numbers)

2 decimal places:
value = int(( yourNumber ) * 100 ) / 100; 

3 decimal places:
value = int(( yourNumber ) * 1000 ) / 1000;