This is a simple Class to create a JSON structured database. This class creates a JSON object and populates it via the methods provided.
Easy Helper methods to CREATE, UPDATE, ADD, DELETE and REMOVE data.
Below I will show an example of a database create and spits out the JSON as a String. Also I will Explain each function.
Live Example: Demo
JS file on Github:
Full Example:
document.body.innerHTML+= Database.toString();
Creating a Database: This function creates a new database.
Creating a new Table: This function creates a new table. You provide a unique name for the table.
Adding a new property to a Table: you need to provide the table name and the property name.
Adding data to a Table: provide the table name and then in an object provide the values for each property. You can provide values for all the properties or just one.
Updating data by Values: State the table name, an object with the property/properties and value/s and then provide another object with properties and values to find the data you wish to update.
Clear the whole Database: execute this function.
Deleting a Table: execute this function with the table name,
Database.deleteTable('Table Name');
Get a Table: gets the table as an Object.
Database.getTable('Table Name');
Remove data by value: remove a data row by a value. provide the table name and an object with properties and values to match.
Database.removeDataByValue('Table Name',{prop:value});
Get data by value: get a data row by a value. provide the table name and an object with properties and values to match.
Database.getDataByValues('Table Name',{prop:value});
Delete all Table Data: deletes all data in a table. Provide the table name.
Database.deleteData('Table Name');
Remove data by Index: remove a data row by an index. Provide the table name and the index you wish to remove.
Database.removeDataByIndex('Table Name',index);
Database to String: returns the JSON as a String. If you want all the Data in the database do not provide a table name but if you want a specific table then provide the name of the table.
Database.toString('Table Name');
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